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dimecres, 7 de novembre de 2007 14:05
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Agenda de Congressos i Jornades

  • DISPERSAL conference

December 6-7, 2007Museum National Histoire Naturelle, department for Ecology & Biodiversity ManagingParis, FranceAbstract deadline - November 12, 2007 Program: 2 full days (8.30 - 18.30) Thursday, December 6th:Oral Session 1 : Mechanistic dissection of dispersal: how far have we moved? Report from the workshop: Hans Van Dyck, Nicolas Schtickzelle, Virginie Stevens & Michel BaguetteChair: James Bullock Oral Session 2 : How can we study information acquisition before emigration or during transfer? What can we learn from this field? Keynote address: Jean ClobertChair: Achim Poethke Friday, December 7th:Oral Session 3 : Consequences of dispersal for individuals, populations, metapopulations and species.Keynote address: James BullockChair: Thomas Hovestadt Oral session 4 : Modelling the evolution of dispersal.Report from the workshop: Calvin Dytham, Thomas Hovestadt, Achim Poethke & Justin TravisChair: Hans Van Dyck Abstract submission All participants are invited and encouraged to present some aspect of their work in a poster or in a contributed talk (15 minutes + 10 minutes discussions). Please note that the number of talks selected will be limited to 20. Talks selection will favor speculative/discussion provoking themes and original unpublished results presentation. Submit abstracts before 12 November 2007, with any relevant information (name, affiliation and full address for all authors, nature of the communication: oral or poster) as an attached word document sent to Michel Baguette (baguette@mnhn.fr) or to Virginie Stevens (stevens@mnhn.fr). Registration To register, please send a mail exclusively to Virginie Stevens (stevens@mnhn.fr), with the name, full address and affiliation of each participant. Registration fees Students: 25 euros/dayOthers: 50 euros/dayTo be paid (cash) at arrival. Travel and accommodation Participants are invited to deal with their own hotel reservation in Paris, as well as with their flights or train to Paris.Paris abounds in hotels and youth hostels. The conference will be at the campus Jussieu at University Pierre & Marie Curie, in the Quartier Latin(5th arrondissement). Here are some websites for hotel/room registration: Hotels:www.hotels.comwww.Hotels-Paris.frwww.booking.com/Pariswww.0800paris-hotels.com Beds & Breakfasts:www.2binparis.comwww.paris35.com Youth hostels:www.bvjhotel.com



Dptos de Biología Animal y de Ecología, Universidad de Granada Titulo: "Seis modelos de predicción de la biodiversidad: perspectivas pragmáticas de la conservación en España". Prof. Paul KeddyCátedra Edward G. Schlieder para Estudios MedioambientalesUniversidad de Southeastern Louisiana, Estados Unidos Fecha: Miércoles, 31 Octubre 2007, 12:00 hLugar: G7, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de GranadaOrganiza: Dpto de Ecología, Dpto de Biología Animal, Parque de las Ciencias, BBVA, Univ. de Granada Més informació: Dr José M. GómezGrupo de Ecología TerrestreDpto de EcologíaUniversidad de Granadaphone: 34 958 241000 ext 20069fax: 34 958 243238web: www.ugr.es/~rnm220 www.ugr.es/~redbome

Darrera actualització de dijous, 2 d'octubre de 2014 09:00